Sea Glass Treasures

Walking the Beach after the tide has gone out is the perfect time to find Sea Glass.  Finding Glass at the Beach has become one of my favorite beach pass times. 

I’m not sure why I like it so much?  It could be the colors, the blues, the greens, the aquas?  The oceany, watery stones call to me.  I love that the ocean takes something that is considered trash and makes it into a treasure.

  I enjoy the fact that you can be looking at what you think is just a pile of rocks and all of a sudden in the middle of the pile there is something beautiful.

I enjoy the symbolism of Sea Glass.  The glass starts sharp and rough and then by being tumbled and worked over by the waves it becomes a work of art.  God is doing the same thing with us.  He’s polishing and refining us to make us into something amazing.

If we don’t look carefully, we will miss the treasure.  This can relate to so many things.  Reading the scriptures, we need to look deep to find the meaning and the beauty.  People we meet! We may look and see rocks and rubble and think, “I’m not interested.”  But, if you dig a little deeper, you can always find something you like or love about that person.  It can relate to any first impressions.  Usually with a little more digging our impressions change and improve.

I love the beauty of the ocean and the many treasures that it has to offer.