Feeling Grateful!

I’m sharing my five days of gratitude and highlights of Thanksgiving week.

Day One

“Gratitude is a mark of a noble soul and a refined character.  We like to be around those who are grateful!  They tend to brighten all around them.  They make others feel better about themselves!  They tend to be more humble, more joyful, more likable.”  I love this quote, and I love a holiday that causes me to pause and to think of all I am thankful for.  I have been on a journey with social media, a mission to share light and truth.  I’m still trying to figure it all out.  It’s been a slow and steady progression that has led to this website where I can share my light.  I have felt so much gratitude to all who have given me kind words and encouragement.  So, day one of gratitude was thankfulness to all my followers and friends for their generous support.

Day two

I am thankful for the opportunity to be a mother.  I found this quote that I love.  “Your greatest contribution to the world may not be something you do, but someone you raise.” source not given.  Being a mother is not something I take for granted.  There are so many that never have this opportunity.  I know that I have been blessed, not only to be a mother but, to be the mom to five amazing daughters.  I can’t even believe it sometimes.  They are not only beautiful and talented.  They are some of my best friends.  Being their mom has refined me and helped to grow in ways that never would have been possible without them in my life.  These lovely ladies bring me so much joy.

Day three

I know it seems obvious.  But, I am thankful for food.  In America and in the area that I live, food is available in abundance.  I only have to drive a short distance to a grocery store or a local fruit stand, and there is a beautiful array of fresh and yummy food.  We should never take this blessing for granted.  God blesses us with manna to eat.  Being grateful for it is the least we can do — above is a shot of our yummy Thanksgiving dinner.

Day Four

Thanksgiving is so much more than turkey and eating a big yummy dinner.  Don’t get me wrong I enjoy the food associated with Thanksgiving.  What I love even more is time spent with my family.  I love this spunky, loud, and crazy family of mine.  I am thankful that we choose to forgive and be kind.

I am so happy that I was raised in a home where my parents taught my siblings and me to treat each other with love.  Reed and I brought up our daughters this same way.  This attitude of compassion and forgiveness has given me the dearest friends of my life.  This past Thanksgiving was extra special because my parents were here to share it with us.

Day Five

I love this quote by David A. Bednar “Jesus Christ is the light that dispels fear. Provides assurance and direction, and engenders enduring peace and joy!  I am so thankful for my savior Jesus Christ.  “He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world.  His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.  God, be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.”  This quote is from The Living Christ- The testimony of the apostles-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  There are so many things to be grateful for, but our Savior Jesus Christ gives everything to us. We owe Him so much.

Highlights of the Week

We started a new tradition this year.  Since we were all together, we decided to open our Christmas jammies.  Here we are in all our red and green splendor.

We celebrated my son-in-law Eric’s birthday!

Another highlight was my grandson McKay was baptized.  I did a whole blog post here.

My newest granddaughter Penny Mae was also given a name and a blessing.

Food, Family, and faith were all a part of this great week together.