Service Brings Joy!

There is so much in the news today talking about depression and anxiety in our youth.

I think there is a small solution to this problem.

It’s to stop worrying about yourself and to think of others.

One of my favorite quotes was from President Gordon B. Hinckley’s father sent to his son Gordon when he was on his mission and feeling discouraged. His father said, “Dear Gordon. I have your letter…I have only one suggestion. Forget yourself and go to work. With love, Your Father.”

Could these words be any better?

I feel like its the perfect counsel to those who are feeling sad and insecure.

Forget yourself and go to work.

Nearly 400 youth from the Fresno/Clovis Area decided to do just that.

On Saturday, October 20, 2018, these youthful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gathered to do a little work.

They were involved in a service project in downtown Fresno to help change the outlook in several locations.

The project involved painting homes.

Painting addresses on curbs.

They also cleaned alleys and worked on school beautification projects.

I love this quote I found from Elder Richard G. Scott, “There are few things in life that bring as much joy as the joy that comes from assisting another improve his or her life.”

There is one thing I noticed that everyone in these pictures has in common, they are smiling. Service truly does bring joy.

Here is a link to the rest of the pictures that I took at the event.